Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Be Filled

by Debbi Weeks

There was a break in the rainy weather we’ve been having on Saturday and I just had to get out of the house and get some exercise. After calling several friends and not finding a walking partner among them, in my desperation I decided to head out on my own. I was barely out the door when I realized I just couldn’t walk alone (I know, I know it’s silly, but I’m really into the social aspects of walking! J). But still, needing to move, I got my bicycle out to go for a ride. It had been a couple of weeks since I road my bike, but not too terribly long.

I noticed the tires appeared to be a bit low on air, but not knowing how to turn on the air compressor and really wanting to get moving, I took off on my regular route. I had barely begun when I noticed that I was already exerted far more than normal. As I continued on, I was really huffing and puffing. I cut my ride short and headed up the small incline home. I thought I was going to pass out! It was unbelievable. When I reached my driveway, I was having a hard time deciding whether to just throw up in the bushes or go inside. I finally decided to go in. As soon as I got my bike in the garage and the garage door down, I flung myself on the carpet at the bottom of the stairs. And I stayed there, motionless, for the next five minutes. My heart was pounding – I envisioned my hubby finding me dead there at the bottom of the stairs in a few hours after he woke up. I decided I needed to get upstairs, so I crawled. Yes, I crawled up the staircase. Once there, I managed to get to the couch where I plopped and stayed for more than half an hour.

I couldn’t imagine how I had gotten so exhausted with such a brief workout. After all, I walk several times each week and I ride my bike regularly.

Later, as I was relaying the story to my hubby, I remembered how the tires looked low and I asked him if he could show me how to use the air compressor to fill my tires. We went downstairs and used the tire gauge to check the air pressure. It didn’t even register on the gauge! I had been riding on completely flat tires! The resistance I was peddling against (especially uphill to my house) was huge. No wonder it was such a workout! We filled the tires and Matt had me go for a little spin – you would not believe the difference. I could ride with such ease. It’s amazing what a little air can do!

The whole thing got me thinking about how we, as believers, can live without being filled with the Holy Spirit (note that this is different than being sealed with the Holy Spirit which is something all believers have when the believe). But “unfilled” living is difficult and arduous. When we are living filled with the Spirit, we are strong and effective. Being filled with the Spirit is yielding to God’s will.

Ephesians 5:15-20

So be very careful how you live. Do not live like those who are not wise, but live wisely. Use every chance you have for doing good, because these are evil times. So do not be foolish but learn what the Lord wants you to do. Do not be drunk with wine, which will ruin you, but be filled with the Spirit. Speak to each other with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making music in your hearts to the Lord. Always give thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

After experiencing what it’s like to ride with flat tires, I know the difference that being filled makes. And, it makes all the difference! So, are you filled with the Spirit today? Are you yielding to God’s will for your life? Are you able to be strong and effective? From my own experience, let me encourage you to live filled with the Spirit today!

Father God, I praise You that You seal us and fill us with Your Spirit.

I confess I too often do things my own way and tire easily from living in my strength.

Thank You that You use ordinary physical things to teach us of extraordinary spiritual things.

Please fill me with Your Spirit and let me yield to Your will today.


Jacquelyn said...

Great reminder Debbie! The verse our family is meditating on this week is

"Whoever gives thought to the word will discover good and blessed is he who trusts in the Lord" prov 16:30

I guess for me the word of God is my air compressor! Nice bike BTW :)

Mama Mote said...

Been there, done that. When I first got my bike back from my old neighbors (check the pic), I went for a ride and I went around the block...and couldn't believe how much I hurt. Yes, what a difference when air is in those tires. Good analogy.

Bonnie said...

Wonderful analogy...don't you just love word pictures. And, you are right it the right "infilling" of the Holy Spirit that makes the difference.