Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wanderings and Listening

from the archives...

by Missy Grant

I was reviewing a bible study I had completed a few years ago recently and came across this quote, "Don't make your petition longer than your time to listen." Now that reverberates a bit. I was reading in Isaiah recently (30:18-21). I have always loved verse 21 which reads, "Your ears will hear a word behind you, 'This is the way, walk in it,' whenever you turn to the right or to the left." Both of these quotes cause me to consider my wanderings and my listening ears. In our too busy, too self indulged world that surrounds us, satan is the master of causing us to wander and not listen to the true Master's voice. Where are your wandering and listening ears today? Are your petitions longer than your time of listening? Are you hearing the Lord say, "...This is the way, walk in it." Find some time today to sit at the feet of the Master and listen.

1 comment:

suedonaldson said...

love that quote, missy - i need to tell my girls that one!! their petitions can go on and one! (mine, too, btw! so thanks for your good reminder - and welcome back)