Tuesday, October 7, 2008


by Sue Donaldson

Dying, alone.

No one likes that image: dying, alone. It’s bad enough, some say, to face death. But, alone? More than sad.

Jesus, the Master Gardener, turned it around when He said, Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and dies, it remains by itself alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” (John 12:24)

If you don’t die to yourself, you will be alone – no fellowship with God, no fruit for His kingdom. You’ll have yourself, but eventually, that won’t be enough. Most people don’t get that. I don’t always get that. I do all sorts of things to make sure my “self” survives. It doesn’t feel good in the end, so I must get back to this spiritual gardening fact: die first—daily, the verse says-- and then the fruit—joy, peace, kindness – that sort of thing.

It can sound harsh unless you know the Gardener. (Do you?) The One who asks you to trust Him is not only in control, but loves you intimately – and there is no risk in that kind of dying. It’s the only way to live.


Please show me where I’m living for me and not for You. (Good grief, I can’t even die properly.) Thanks for taking me as I am. May fruit abound from this dying process. You’re the best! Amen.

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