Saturday, October 11, 2008

I Need My Map!

by Cindy Frauenheim

I am out of town, and I wasn’t sure I would have anything to say for Sojourner’s Journal. I didn’t know if I would have internet access (or the time, to be honest), so someone was already available to fill in for me. I asked the Lord that if he did want to say anything through me, that he would need to make it clear. God cleared my schedule for the day in a not-so-fun way: my husband got food poisoning in the wee hours of the morning Wednesday, and has been suffering since. He is not feeling like doing much at all, poor guy. So I decided to head out alone on a hike we had been talking about. I grabbed a water bottle and my cell phone and got started.

About fifteen minutes into it I called Mark to see if he could help me find the trailhead that I thought for sure I remembered seeing on the map. He directed me via landmarks using the trail map, and after some frustrated wrong turns, some “cross-country” short cuts, and another call, I finally found a path to take me to the trail I wanted. After an hour or so, though beautiful, the going got hard and very quiet. I didn’t see another soul. Most of the trail was switch backs in a forest, and I felt very alone. I stumbled upon and startled a group of mule deer. The trees creaked in the wind that was getting stronger. My breathing was very labored as the elevation increased (I started at over 8,000 feet and my goal was 10,200), and my pace slowed significantly. I called Mark again when I crossed a maintenance road to see how far I had to go still. Being mostly in the dense and dimly lit forest, I could not tell where I was, and I honestly felt a bit scared. I debated turning around, but really wanted to get to the overlook. I prayed for safety and for encouragement.

As I continued, I realized how grateful I was for my cell phone, and how smart it would have been to bring the map! I thought about the parallels: the map as the Bible, and my cell phone as prayer. No matter how much I thought I knew where to go, the map was what I needed, and by consulting it often it kept me on the right path.

Teach me, O Lord, to follow your decrees; then I will keep them to the end. Give me understanding, and I will keep your law and obey it with all my heart. Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight. Psalm 119:33-35

My phone allowed me to reach the one holding the map and it gave me great comfort knowing I had that avenue of communication available to me. Heed the sound of my cry for help, my King and my God, For to You I pray. Psalms 5:2

I soon became very grateful for the warmth of an occasional open space, and the infrequent little arrows posted on trees that confirmed my direction. The path was not always very clear, so those confirmations were so important. God does that in my life as well. We need all three: His Word, prayer, and the way He directs us through His spirit, other people, and circumstances. It was a great word picture and encouragement! May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

God continued to encourage me with a beautiful buck, some sweet birds that came really close and flew alongside me for a bit, a chipmunk, and some busy woodpeckers. No bears, which is fine with me! I took pictures of the animals and the amazing eventual view – yes, I made it! I even changed my cell phone wallpaper to the aspen leaves on the path, so that I will remember what he showed me today. Now what would be the parallel for a GPS?

Thank you Lord for how you speak to us in so many amazing and practical ways. Thank you for rearranging my days this week to be able to hear from you in a fresh way, and to slow down and meditate on you. Thank you for your Word, and for the privilege we have to come to you in prayer. Thank you for the many ways you choose to direct my path and encourage my heart. Help me never to head out for even a single day of life without you as my trail guide, and remind me to always seek your directions in your Word and through prayer. And please help Mark feel better really soon!

1 comment:

Mama Mote said...

5:00 am? Pretty cool, Cindy. I love the parallels, too. He does guide us in so many different ways, and as we listen to His voice, He makes it clear what we are to do. It sounds beautiful where you were hiking. Would love to see pictures. Glad you made it and hope Mark is doing okay now.