"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ" Galatians 6:2
"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." Romans 12:15
My heart is burdened for a few friends that are suffering. Their trials are very different. They have chosen to share their pain with me and ask for prayer. I struggle with how to be of any further help – do you ever feel that way? I need to remind myself that prayer is NOT a last resort. It should be our first, and continual course of action. Today I want to encourage us (myself included) to intentionally come alongside others we know that are facing a trial. We need each other, and God wants it that way. Here are some practical ways to do that:
1) PRAY for them. Make yourself a written or other visual reminder to really do that every day. Set yourself a reminder on your calendar to check in with that friend every few days or weeks to see how God is working or how you can pray more specifically. Pray with them. Never forget to rejoice together when you see God working!
2) MEET TOGETHER. Rearrange your day to prepare or meet them somewhere for a meal, a walk, or just coffee.
3) HELP THEM. Offer very specific and tangible help that you can give. Perhaps watching her children so she can get some time alone to think, sleep, or sit at the Lord’s feet. Or do it in the evening so she and her husband can get some needed time together. Perhaps you can run some errands for her, or accompany her to a doctor’s visit.
4) LISTEN. Be known for listening well. That may be all that is needed to turn her day around.
5) BE TRUSTWORTHY. Whatever trials or struggles your friend is facing, never share that information with anyone else, except the Lord, unless she specifically asks you to request others to pray.
"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." Galatians 6:10
Lord, I feel inadequate to help, but I know you can use a willing heart. Help me to get my eyes off of myself long enough to really spend time in prayer for others. Show me ways to help, and may your Spirit cause me to follow through! You are ultimately in control, and will be my friends’ healer, comforter, and counselor; use me as you see fit. Help me to be a good listener, and to gently point others back to You.
1 comment:
I have been "the friend in trial" and my friends who have come alongside me are so precious to me. My prayer is that I, too, will be that kind of friend to them and others whenever the tables are turned. And you are so right......that is exactly the way God wants us to be!
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