Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It's Not Too Late

by Sue Donaldson

It’s not too late to invite someone else for Thanksgiving dinner! Go outside on your front porch and check out the neighborhood.

Often, the best company turns out to be last minute invitations. Ask the Lord, “Is there someone who could use a place at my table? (Or, more than one someone?)”

You may fret:
“I don’t have enough chairs . . .enough placemats . . .enough food. . .enough time. Besides, wouldn’t they be insulted to be asked so late??”

Enough, already.

Just ask. It’s always nice to be asked.

Paul asked Philemon: “Get the guest room ready – I hope to be there soon.” (Philemon, verse 22) Maybe someone is asking God : “Lord, I need to be welcomed by You and Your family – who do You have in mind?” May we all be willing to be the answer to that prayer. I’m sure Philemon got the sheets ready as soon as he got that letter – well, probably his wife got the sheets ready. .

Add a potato to the pot and get on the phone. Maybe that new guest will find Jesus at your table or on your front porch. Now that’s a great Thanksgiving.

Is there someone out there who still needs an invitation? Give me grace and courage and direction. Prepare me and my house to be Your welcome. Amen.

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