Friday, November 21, 2008

One More Thing

by Cindy Frauenheim
There's always just one more thing
there's always another task
there's always I just have one more small favor to ask
and everything is urgent
and everything is now
wonder what would really happen if I stopped somehow
I'll be there in a minute

just a few places to go

you wake up a few years later
and your kids are grown
and everything is important

and everything is not at the end of your life
your relationships are all you've got
and love to me is when you put down that one more thing
and say I've got something better to do
and love to me is when you walk out on that one more thing
and say nothing will come between me
and you not even one thing

Lyrics to “Just One More Thing” by Sara Groves (listen to a sample here)

Those are true words about real life for a busy mom. I have seen firsthand how this principle can impact the lives of those around me, especially my husband and my children. When I consciously choose to lessen my grip on my “to-do” list and focus on my relationships, and how to really love others, it is always such a blessing for all involved. I have also seen the stress, discouragement, and strained relationships that can result when I try to stick to my agenda. But it can be so HARD to do when you are a task-driven, planner like myself. So I encourage you to daily assess your priorities, and let the needs of those around you help shape how your day looks, and how it ends up – even if that is no where near what you thought you needed to accomplish. To our husbands, our children, and most importantly to God, loving them in a very tangible way often means walking out on “that one more thing”.

"The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps."
Proverbs 16:9
"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails."
Proverbs 19:21

Lord, please direct my steps and help me to give you each day for your purposes. Show me where I need to slow down, and cut things out of my schedule for you, for my family, and for others. As an especially busy season approaches, help me to focus on the relationships you have given me.

1 comment:

Mama Mote said...

The laundry will still be there. The dishes can be put away later. But time with kids and family, you can't get back. I miss those days with my little ones and the times we just sat and read books, went to the beach, did our Wienerschnitzel runs, hung out at the park. Even now, when Danielle comes to visit, we try to make a Target/Wienerschnitzel trip - she's 23 now, but that is one of our special times we still try to keep alive. Liz makes a point to spend time with us when she comes up for special events (friend's weddings, birthdays, whatever). Enjoy your kids while they are still around.