Saturday, November 22, 2008

Your Word...

by Missy Grant
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105

This is a verse from the Lord’s word that I term “fully loaded.” The initial imagery is heart warming and enchanting, but, have you ever really sat down and meditated on the words of this well known scripture? Let’s take a few minutes and single out these precious words and see if the Lord brings new insight to you.

What is a lamp and what is a light? Are they one in the same? Do they perform the same purpose?

A lamp is a fixture, it is tangible, you can feel it, hold it, move it. A lamp has texture and weight. That being said, what is the word, lamp, referencing in this verse? The answer is the Lord’s Word. “Your word is a lamp…” His Word was a gift to us. A gift of encouragement that we can hold in our hands (in this country), or hold in our hearts (keep memorizing). It is never changing yet dynamic (which means ever changing) at the same time. How is that possible? Only the Holy Spirit knows…it gives us direction and makes known the unknown to us. His Word admonishes and encourages, convicts and heals. His Word draws us to Him (Psalm 145:18). But this grouping of words we hold so dear is just a foreshadow of this, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of Men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.John 1:1-5.

Ahhh…did you see it? “…and the life was the Light of Men.” (note the capitalization of the word Light). What does a light do? It shows us things we would not see without it. A light can also give us direction. A light can provide a sense of security. If you are in the dark and there is a light at the end of the road – we naturally move toward it. Do you see how Christ was and is the ‘Light of Men’? His life and work on the cross showed us things we would not have seen such as our sin and the need for his atoning sacrifice. His light gives us direction towards the heavenly father. His light provides eternal security. When the above scripture says, “…a light to my path.”, what is being implied? Ask yourself, what is the lamp again? Yep, His Word. What does John 1:1 say, “…and the Word was God.” What did the light do? It provided a well lit pathway - to where - to Him.

We can take this scripture at face value and receive much insight from the imagery. Yet, if we dig a bit deeper and focus on His Word, the lamp and the light, our feet and the path…hmmnnn….what might the Lord be showing you today?

This is what He showed me…Almighty Lord, you are the alpha and the omega. Your blood stained finger prints are in every word of your Word. Your Word is a lamp, lit with the Holy Spirit and burning with an eternal flame. In your everlasting love for me, you chose me – even when racked with sin – you chose me. Your light revealed that which I did not want to see – yet was made perfect and unblemished in your sacrifice. There is no love like that of the cross. May my feet follow the light of your paths of righteousness. To your glory, amen.

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