Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Faith Building

by Sue Donaldson

If you want bigger faith, pray in the small things – not just the big things. Lorraine said this ever so serenely over Lady Grey tea last Monday: “Sue, we make a mistake when we only pray about Big Things because we see God’s faithfulness in the small things.”

I liked that. Reminded me of praying for a parking spot at 4:50 pm downtown San Luis (or maybe that’s in the Big Things category, depending on construction and retrofitting…)

A major crisis can throw us in a tail-spin emotionally, and then right into our Savior’s arms, if we’re smart. That’s what He wants and expects.

But, what about the dailies – the unexpected interruptions – the annoying aches and pains that interrupt sleep – the wondering what should I do to make this birthday really special for my kid –the unending dog hair on the hardwood floors – the decision: do I buy a new desk or just keep spreading my books and papers all over the dining room table?

These dailies make up our lives, often. And when piled into stacks right next to our bed – like that laundry that will not go away all by itself –they tower over our spirits, sucking our joy, removing any thought that we belong to the God of the Universe Who loves us with an everlasting love and knows how to handle details. These details. Our details. He loves us – that’s the key. And, He knows our day before us. And He wants to tell us that He loves us. One way is through the small stuff.

“Don’t sweat it, Sue. I’m right here. Roll it on Me. I can deal – small or big – I can deal.”

Jesus said and I read it again today (bless Him!) – Look at the birds…are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” (Matthew 6: 26,27)

Not even one hour, Lord? But I could use that extra hour, to finish the laundry, if nothing else…

No, not even one hour, Sue. Give it over. Your worries, I mean. And, I will give you what you need. I promise.

Thanks, Lord. It’s midnight. Think I’ll call it a day. And, in the morning, I’ll go look at those birds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, I remember Lorraine saying the same thing to me once. And then, later in the conversation, she pointed out that they're all small things to God.

Isn't it amazing that we (and our dailies!) matter to God?

Love from Calgary ~ Susan