Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Finding Contentment

by Sue Donaldson

God says that contentment is worthwhile. (“Godliness with contentment is great gain.”) I Timothy 6:6

Where do we find it?

He knows it doesn’t come from possessions (“I’d like to have one of THOSE, Lord, and then I’ll be happy, really – just one, Lord, that’s all I need…okay, maybe two…”)

He knows it doesn’t come from people (“Father, if You would just wave Your wand over my husband and make him the Man of Your Dreams – all for Your glory, of course-- then I would be perfectly content – and, at long last, we would be perfectly matched…”)

And, He knows it doesn’t come from circumstances (Dear Father, please take this cup from Me … then I will praise You the rest of my life – or, at least until the next trial…”)

I love this quote:

“Since only God can supply all our needs, true contentment is found only in Him.”

That sounds basic -- because it is – but still profound, don’t you think?

So, maybe we don’t seek contentment (even though it is great gain) – rather, we seek God.

I think it’s a matter of sequence. Matthew 6:33 says,

Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.”

When you are feeling discontented with someone or something or some situation – check your sequence. That means – what’s first?

Is it God’s kingdom? Or, Sue’s kingdom?

Do I want Him first? Or, second (or, tenth?)

Jesus said we don’t need to worry about the details because He will. We’ve got the best interior decorator, cook, entertainer, personal trainer, shopper – all in One – and all we do is seek Him and His kingdom first – and He will show us what do to next. (Remind me to tell you what happened at Banana Republic yesterday!!)

We’re given many steps to cultivating contentment. Perhaps the first is to put first things first.

Dear Father of all Details,

Thanks that You are so clear. May You be first in any endeavor and desire of mine. Amen.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Love, love, love this post. I think it is my favorite, at least for today.
God bless my friend, Sue,in all of her endeavors, because she does have a heart that is turned towards You.
Contentment will always be THE challenge because our dwelling place so often is in our thoughts, instead of allowing Him into all of our "closet spaces." Satan sure loves to stir that pot, doesn't he.