Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Fill My Cup, Part IV

by Sue Donaldson

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”

I agree with that 100%!

Mark, on the other hand, eats to live. It makes for challenging road trips. (We are about to embark on one . . . I may or may not return to this blog site.) Nothing like a good meal to satisfy me to the bones.

Jesus said that He is the bread that we need. (Even better than any we get from the lovely House of Bread in downtown San Luis. Even better than any I can make at home, with or without my bread machine.)

When I look elsewhere for soul-satisfaction, I get into trouble. Even though I know this, I still try to make my own bread and fill my own cup. Isaiah says to stop filling up myself with myself. He said we waste our money on junk food. I don’t think he means we never relax or play or while away an afternoon (if we ever get a chance to do that). In fact, we can be closest to God when at rest.

He just wants us to go to the source every day for our needs. Every day is the key phrase. Sounds like a good prayer: “Give us this day. . .”

That is “dining well.” That brings joy. Our cup is full when we ask Him to fill it. God is a gentleman—He won’t start pouring until we ask.

Listen to Me, listen well: Eat only the best, fill yourself with only the finest. Pay attention, come close now, listen carefully to My life-giving, life –nourishing words.” Isaiah 55:2

Doesn’t sound like junk food to me. Nourishing and delightful – from the appetizers to the chocolate fondue. (sigh)


I want to dine on the best. You’ve told me to. Help me not settle for less. It sounds wonderful – I can’t wait to begin – fill me up with all that You are, every day.


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