Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Use Less Words

by Debbi Weeks

I love all the other devotional bloggers and how they seem to be so succinct in their messages. They get right to the point and get across so much in so few words. I really wish I had that gift! J Today especially I hope to get some tidbit of wisdom across in a few short words since I have chosen to talk about how our words should be minimal!

Proverbs 10:19 says, “When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, but he who restrains his lips is wise.” There’s something to be said for short, sweet and to the point! Oh that I would be kept from using many words! I’m famous for making short stories long (what you didn’t want all those details?!) And, it’s in those many words that I can get caught in sin. God make me quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry – help me live out James 1:19!

To that end, I bid you all adieu.

Lord, I praise You for being our Creator and making each of us individuals with different gifts and talents. I praise you that you do hold us all accountable to certain standards because you are holy.

I confess I talk too much and speak too quickly.

Thank you that you haven’t given up on me. Thank you that you challenge me to Christlikeness.

Please guard my lips and keep me from using many words when few would do.

1 comment:

RefreshMom said...

What a great reminder! (And I have a hard time keeping the devotions on my site "succinct" too.)