Friday, June 13, 2008

Making Opportunities

Making Opportunities

by Kate Hasson

Getting to know my neighbors is so difficult. Why?! Before we moved into our new house, when we were still in the process of looking for a home we knew we wanted to live in a neighborhood. Even though we loved our place in the country with acres of land and with goats, horses, cows and chickens around us, we knew that being near other people was imperative. It was more important for us to be able to get to know others intimately, specifically those who didn’t know Christ so that we could bring them the gospel, than it was to have extra land and more beauty around us.

When we found our current home we were thrilled because now we would have the chance to live day in and day out among non-believers and hopefully be able to invest our lives into theirs. We prayed nearly every night that we would be a light, a witness and a good friend to those living on our street and we eagerly looked forward to the opportunities that would lie before us.

Now that we are here I find myself more easily inclined to stay in my home and “fix it up” instead of getting out and using these precious days that I have to be a light and friend to my neighbors. Not to mention that most of our neighbor kinda keep to themselves. People drive in and out of their homes closing their electric garage doors behind them. I rarely see any neighbors talking to each other. When I do get the chance to see someone, its just a quick wave and off they go to do some errand. I know that I’m guilty of the same, but I also know that this needs to change. There are 3 families we’ve gotten to know a bit and I need to invite them over.

A friend of mine encouraged me to not look at my cul-de-sac as a whole but as individual people and tackle just one at a time. Take cookies or flowers from our yard or vegetables from our garden to one person and talk for awhile. Then choose another home/family to visit the next day, and so on and so forth until all have been well met, not just a quick wave from the drivers side window on our way to Food 4 Less. My friend suggested that once I’ve gotten to meet them like this it will be much easier to go invite them to my home or a bar-be-que or church function and allow for more opportunities to spend time together.

This is what I’ll be focusing on for the next 2 or 3 weeks. How fun! I’ll try to keep you posted through this small journey. What are your ways of getting to know and reaching out to your neighbors?

Colossians 4:5-6 “Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”


suedonaldson said...

Way to go, Kate! My neighbor and I walked our neighborhood and put invites in every mailbox for a "let's get acquainted" ladies breakfast and "bring your favorite mug or teacup." We passed out 64 and had very fun results. Several ladies called to say they were so sorry they wouldn't be able to come and hoped I would do it again. Last Saturday 22 women came for breakfast. I hadn't met most of them and I've lived here for 18 years. We even had name tags.They were brave to come. God blessed. We're on the way to becoming friends. And most everyone offered to bring food. Someone said on the way out the door, "It can be at my house next time!" I thought, Oh, so there is going to be a next time. Very cool. You have God's heart toward your neighborhood and He will make it happen as you "step out." I know that your neighbors will meet Jesus at your table.

joy said...

i think that's wonderful that you even look at your neighborhood in that light. i agree with your friend that it is easier to start with one. on another note, fourth of july is just around the corner--maybe you could host neighborhood celebration. just an idea. you are such a sweet family, once people get to know you, they'll be beating down your door!