What Honors the Lord?
by Lisa Leonard
Husbands love your wives. Wives submit you to your husbands. (Ephesians)
by Lisa Leonard
These probably aren't the most popular verses in the bible. My college girls and I have been talking quite a bit about these verses and WHY should we submit ourselves? We aren't less important than our husbands!! Here are a few conclusions we have come to...
*Husbands love their wives and wives submit to their husbands, the two actually aren't that different! It's easy to submit to a man who loves his wife and puts her first.
*We still have to submit even if he isn't loving us well or putting us first. This honors the Lord.
*Christ was willing to submit to the Father. If he was willing, shouldn't we be?
*When picking a mate, choose wisely. This make the journey much easier.
I'd love to hear your thoughts and practical ideas for loving our husbands by submitting to them.
i love your wedding photo--it's so beautiful! i don't know if this is very practical, but i think it means stepping back and giving our husbands some room to lead. sometimes that's hard because he doesn't do things the way i would, but nagging him doesn't accomplish anything but to make him annoyed with me. for instance, i'd really like cade to finish up his master's thesis this summer, but he doesn't want to. i've suggested it a couple of times and he's not super motivated to do it this summer, so i've just stopped talking about it. maybe he'll change his mind and maybe he won't, but i need trust God that Cade is doing what he thinks is best. you totally hit the nail on the head by saying that it's easy to submit to a man who loves his wife and puts her first--i totally agree with that statement. thanks for the reminder.
good insight girlie!!
you are so right Joy, when I do the leading (a.k.a. nagging) even though I get what I want it isn't very satisfying. The hardest thing in the world is to see Phillip make what I consider to be a wrong choice only to find out that doing things a different way is o.k. after all. I'm also trying to remember to ask God continually but ask my husband only once. It's difficult, but not as difficult as trying to follow a leader that I'm pushing in front of me!
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